Figure 2. IDH1 promotes GBM progression in vivo.
(A–C) Cell proliferation in GIC-20 expressing shScramble or shIDH1, GIC-387 with pLKO or shIDH1, and in NSCs with stable overexpression of IDH1 (n=3; Mean ± SD).
(D–I) Quantification of bioluminescence of intracranial engraftment models, using GIC-20 expressing pLKO and shIDH1, GIC-387 with shScramble and shIDH1, and NSCs expressing CSII and CSII-IDH1 (n=7–10; Mean ± SEM); and the corresponding Kaplan-Meier survival curves (n=9–10).
* p<0.005; ** p<0.05; *** p<0.01; **** p<0.0005; # p<0.001; ## p<0.0001. See also Figure S2.