Fig. 4.
Wide-field images of excised mouse colon tissue, after treatment with BMV109 cathepsin-targeting fluorescent probe, using various modalities. a Photo (top left) and single frame from fluorescence fiberscope (right, Video 2) of a colon tissue from mouse M1 (IVIS 200 image not taken for mouse 1). The white circle and square in the photo indicate the displayed fiberscope frame and approximate field of view surveyed in the video clip, respectively. b Photo (top left), IVIS 200 fluorescence image (bottom left), and fluorescence fiberscope frame (right, Video 3) of a tissue from mouse M2. c Same as b but an excised tissue from mouse M3 (fiberscope frame on right from Video 4). d Graph depicting significant differences between fluorescence signal intensity between colon polyps and normal adjacent tissue from images acquired with our newly developed fiberscope (one asterisk indicates p = 0.0004) (two asterisks indicate p = 0.0001) (three asterisks indicate p = 0.004) (AU signifies arbitrary units). The values reported appear as mean ± standard error of mean (SEM). (Videos 2–4, MOV, 1.6, 7.1, 7.8 MB).