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. 2017 Apr 10;8(29):47121–47135. doi: 10.18632/oncotarget.17004

Table 1. Correlation between the factors and clinicopathologic characteristics in 394 patients.

Clinical and pathological indexes HOXB7
High Low P
Age (years) >50 86 108
≤50 95 105 0.528
Sex Male 163 181
Female 18 32 0.131
AFP (ng/ml) >20 120 133
≤20 61 80 0.426
HBsAg Positive 153 170
Negative 28 43 0.225
HCV Positive 6 3
Negative 175 210 0.312Δ
GGT (U/l) >54 113 118
≤54 68 95 0.158
ALT (U/l) >75 18 19
≤75 163 194 0.728
Liver cirrhosis Yes 153 167
No 28 46 0.121
Tumor size >5 82 84
≤5 99 129 0.240
Tumor number Multiple 47 32
Single 134 181 0.007
Vascular invasion Yes 56 42
No 125 171 0.010
Tumor encapsulation None 78 85
Complete 103 128 0.522
Satellite lesion Yes 25 11
No 202 156 0.003
Edmondson Stage III-IV 73 62
I-II 119 140 0.997
Child-Pugh Stage B 6 13
A 175 200 0.198
BCLC Stage B+C 52 35
0+A 129 178 0.003

Abbreviations: AFP, alpha-fetoprotein; GGT, gamma glutamyl transferase; BCLC, Barcelona Clinic Liver Cancer; HBsAg, hepatitis B surface antigen; HCV, hepatitis C virus;

Δ Fisher's exact tests; Chi-square tests for all the other analyses.