Figure 3. GO analysis of proteins differentially expressed in end-stage DCM LV compared to normal LV.
A. Volcano of differentially expressed proteins. The horizontal coordinates represent the proteins with a log2ratio (DCM/Control). The vertical axis is the -log10(p-value) (p-value <0.05, ratio >1.20 shown in red and ratio<0.83 shown in green). Each point represents an individual protein. B. Prediction of potentially secreted by SecretomeP 2.0 from 125 differentially expressed proteins. The recommended threshold is 0.6 for mammalian sequences. C. The research status of 41 predicted secreted proteins in plasma/serum. “+” indicates that the protein has been studied in plasma/serum by literature retrieval. D. Enriched cellular compartments of differentially expressed proteins in end-stage DCM and top five enriched canonical pathways of membrane-associated proteins. E. Enriched biological processes of differentially expressed proteins in end-stage DCM. The grey column represents the number of proteins in corresponding biological process, and the blue column represents the -log10(p-value). F. Western blot validation of four key proteins, Atf6, Caspase 3, Cytochrome c, and Chop in cell death process. “*” indicates that protein alteration was significant (p-value<0.05).