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. 2017 Aug 18;5(8):2325967117724196. doi: 10.1177/2325967117724196


Demographics of Anterior Cruciate Ligament Tearsa

No. of tears 1019
Age, mean ± SD, y 29.4 ± 11.7
 Male 581 (57.0)
 Female 438 (43.0)
Tear type
 Complete 828 (81.3)
 Partial 130 (12.7)
 Unknown 61 (6.0)
Activity level
 Competitive 197 (19.3)
 Recreational 673 (66.0)
 Sedentary 70 (6.9)
 Unknown 79 (7.8)
Tear occurrenceb
 Primary 878 (86.2)
 Secondary 141 (13.8)
  Graft failure 65 (46.1)
  Contralateral tear
   ACL reconstruction 73 (51.8)
   Nonoperative therapy 3 (2.1)

aValues are expressed as n (%) unless otherwise specified.

bOf the 914 unique patients, 141 patients sustained additional anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) tears from the time of initial inclusion to 2017, 40 of the secondary injuries included occurred after 2010, and 8 patients sustained multiple second injuries.