Figure 3. Engraftment potential of FL-derived CD34+ cells.
(A) Flow-cytometric quantification of human CD45+ (hCD45+) cells in the peripheral blood (PB) of transplanted mice 8–18 weeks post transplant. (B and C) Representative flow-cytometric analysis of human B cells (CD20+), monocytes (CD14+), T cells (CD3+/CD4+/CD8+/CD4+CD8+) and CD34+ progenitor cells in PB, thymus, spleen, and bone marrow (BM) of reconstituted mice (week 18). (D–G) Average frequency of human B cells, T cells, monocytes, and CD34+ cells within hCD45+ fractions (left axis) as well as T cell-subtypes within human CD3+ cell populations (right axis) (H) Representative flow-cytometric analysis and (I) frequency of the HSC/MPP-, LMPP-, EMP-, and GMP subpopulations in thymus-, spleen-, and BM-resident CD34+ fractions (week 18). (J) Colony-forming potential of sort-purified human HSC/MPP-, LMPP-, EMP-, and GMP-enriched subpopulations from murine BM. (K) Sort-purified human HSC/MPP- and LMPP-enriched subpopulations from murine BM samples (post sort) were cultured in StemSpan supplemented with SCF, TPO and Flt3-L (100ng/ml each) and composition/proliferation of arising progeny analyzed on day 3 post culture (all statistics mean ± SEM; *: p<0.05, **: p<0.01, ***: p<0.001).