MeCP2 regulates sensory neurite outgrowth in vitro. (A) DRG lysates from Mecp2−/y KO animals show MeCP2 protein ablation. (B–D) MeCP2 KO neurons show increased neurite outgrowth (*P = 0.01, n = 50–75 neurons per group). Cultured DRG neurons from WT (E) and KO (F) rats costained for peripherin and CGRP show peptidergic (arrow) and nonpeptidergic (arrowhead) neurons. (G) Quantitation shows increased neurite outgrowth by peptidergic KO neurons (*P = 0.007, n = 50–75 neurons per group). (H) Peripherin-ir neurons lacking CGRP-ir were identified in WT rats. (I) Peripherin+, CGRP− neurons were also present in KO rats, and appeared to have more complex neurite geometries. (J) Quantitative analysis shows increased total neurite outgrowth per neuron in KO rats (*P = 0.027, n = 50–75 neurons per group). (K) NFH is a marker of larger myelinated DRG neurons, and staining for this protein revealed many neurons in WT cultures. (L) Cultures from KO rats also contained NFH-ir neurons. (M) Total neurite length was increased in KO neurons (*P = 0.041, n = 50–75 neurons per group). (Scale bars, 50 µm.)