Fig. 3.
Topology of cortico–subcortical projections. Two experiments with dual-color labeling (GFP, green, and mOrange, magenta) in the rowish (A–D) and arcish (E–H) direction resulted in different relative subcortical positions of bouton clouds. B–D and F–H are in horizontal orientation. (A) Rowish dual-color labeling in the BC approximately along the C row (green and magenta areas). (B–D) Reconstruction of bouton clouds (see the 3D illustration of subcortical bouton clouds in Fig. 2G) in the dorsal thalamus (PO; GFP-labeled boutons are located dorsally to mOrange-labeled boutons) (B), ZI (C), and APT (D). (E) As in A, but for an experiment with arcish dual-color labeling approximately along arcs 2–3 of the BC. (F–H) As B–D resulting from the dual-color labeling shown in E. (Scale bar: 500 µm.)