Fig. 2.
Leaf vein densities in A. thaliana wild type (Col-0), jin1-9 and jin1-10 homozygotes, pin1 heterozygotes, and lax2 homozygotes, and auxin contents in developing leaves of the wild-type and jin1-9 and jin1-10 homozygotes. (A) The box plots show the vein densities (in millimeters per square millimeter) in the seventh mature leaves (∼2 cm long) (n = the number of biological replicates; Dataset S5). The statistical significance of the difference between the wild type and a mutant was determined by Student's one-tailed t test (*P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, and ***P < 0.0005). (B) Auxin contents in the seventh developing leaves (∼3 mm long). Error bar: SD of the auxin contents (nanograms per gram fresh weight) in three biological replicates (Dataset S4). (C–E) Leaf vein patterns and orders of Col-0, jin1-9, and jin1-10. (Scale bar: 100 mm.) Wild type: Col-0; jin1-9: SALK_017705; jin1-10: SALK_083483; pin1: SALK_047613; and lax2: SAIL_178_C02.