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. 2017 Mar 14;67(657):e300–e305. doi: 10.3399/bjgp17X689917
Read Code Description Subgroup
Food allergy
SN58000 Egg allergy Egg allergy
SN58 100 Egg protein allergy Egg allergy
SN58 200 Peanut allergy Nut allergy
SN58 300 Nut allergy Nut allergy
SN58 500 Fish allergy Seafood allergy
SN58 600 Seafood allergy Seafood allergy
SN58 700 Shellfish allergy Seafood allergy

Anaphylaxis and angioedema
SN50.00 Anaphylactic shock Anaphylactic shock
SN50 000 Anaphylactic shock due to adverse food reaction Anaphylactic shock

Venom allergy
SN59.00 Allergic reaction to venom Venom allergy
SN59 000 Allergic reaction to bee sting Venom allergy
SN59 100 Allergic reaction to insect bite Venom allergy
SN59 200 Allergic reaction to wasp sting Venom allergy
SN59 300 Anaphylactic shock due to bee sting Venom allergy
SN59 400 Anaphylactic shock due to wasp sting Venom allergy