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. 2017 Jun 6;67(660):e474–e482. doi: 10.3399/bjgp17X691085

Table 1.

Characteristics of the participating practices

Practice characteristics Participating practices All English practices
Mean (SD) Range Mean (SD) Range
Registered patients, n 8744 (6288) 1827–37 474 7041 (4307) 17–46 126
Female patients, % 50.6 (6.0) 30.4–59.7 49.1 (6.4) 0–73.0
Non-white ethnic group, % 18.8 (25.3) 0–94.3 15.9 (21.7) 0–100
Patients aged >65 years, % 16.5 (6.0) 0.6–29.9 15.3 (6.3) 0–97.0
Deprivationa 25.5 (12.8) 6–58.1 24.0 (12.3) 2.9–68.5
QOF scoreb 975.6 (30.8) 823.6–1000 962.8 (53.4) 244.8–1000

Measured using the Index of Multiple Deprivation.


QOF overall score achieved in the financial year 2012–2013. QOF = Quality and Outcomes Framework.