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. 2017 Aug 22;4:170118. doi: 10.1038/sdata.2017.118

Figure 4. Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and representative genes for each sample cluster.

Figure 4

(a) Reads for all genes were taken for PCA. Five clusters were obtained for all samples: 1) bM-sM-sF; 2) bF; 3) bT-sT; 4) sO; 5) bO. (b) Collection of exemplary genes found to be preferentially or specifically and pairing-dependently or -independently transcribed in either one of two adult clusters (e.g. cluster 1: Smp_124000, MEG-14; cluster 2: Smp_131110, Sm_p14), or within one of the three gonad clusters as preferentially transcribed (e.g. cluster 3: Smp_194950, ELAV2) or as specifically transcribed in one gonad type (e.g. cluster 4: Smp_051920.2, NANOS2; cluster 5: Smp_070360, CPEB1). Dark and light grey indicates high and low transcript abundance, respectively. Full names of gene symbols are as follows: MEG-14 (micro exon gene 14), VAL7 (venom allergen-like (VAL) 7 protein), ACHE (acetylcholinesterase), WNT (wnt family member), BMP (bone morphogenetic protein), Sm_p14 (eggshell protein Sm_p14), fs800 (female specific protein), TSPAN (tetraspanin CD63 receptor), RPA (Replication protein A), ESP (eggshell protein), ELAV2 (Embryonic Lethal, Abnormal Vision 2), CDC25 (M phase inducer phosphatase 3), SYT1 (synaptotagmin), SIX6 (homeobox protein SIX6), NEK7 (Serine/threonine kinase NEK7), NANOS (nanos 2), MYT1 (myelin transcription factor 1 protein), ERCC2 (DNA excision repair protein ERCC-2), FGFRb (fibroblast growth factor receptor), TJP1 (tight junction protein 1), CPEB (cytoplasmic polyadenylation element binding), SYT14 (synaptotagmin), Znf (zinc finger), CDH11 (protocadherin 11). bF, paired females; bM, paired males; bO, ovary of bF; bT, testis of bM; sF, unpaired females; sM, testis of sM; sO, ovary of sF; sT, unpaired males.