The 78 items identified for the content validity evaluation.
Variables | Self-care (36 items) | Mobility (21 items) | Social function (21 items) |
Feeding |
Thirst expression Choice of drink Opening the mouth Swallowing of fluids Use of hands in drinking Preparing for a drink Hunger expression Choice of food Self-feeding of soft foods Use of utensils when eating Chewing solid foods Serve food |
Transfers | Changing positions in bed From lying to sitting From sitting to standing From standing to sitting down on the floor From sitting down on the floor to kneeling From kneeling to sitting From kneeling to standing |
Use of hands | Bilateral use of hands Unilateral use of hand Lifting objects up Fine use of hands |
Communication | Hearing Response Language development Time orientation Self-information Vocabulary development Expression Conversation |
Social interaction | Interpersonal relationships Family relationships Informal relationships Interest in exploring new things Playing by self Playing with objects Playing with adults Playing with peers |
Toileting | Communicating the urge to pass urine Removal of pants before passing urine Change pants in cases of messing up Communicating the urge to open bowels Going to the toilet to open bowels Sitting/squatting on a toilet/potty Cleaning self after opening the bowels Times of opening bowels in a day |
Locomotion | Walking or crawling/shuffling on a flat surface Walking or crawling/shuffling up stairs Walking or crawling/shuffling down stairs Moving within the home buildings Moving within buildings other than the home Moving outside buildings Carrying objects while moving Picks up objects Jumping Running |
Social responsibility | Undertaking a single task Undertaking multiple tasks in the home Undertaking multiple tasks outside the home Undertaking daily routine Going to preschool |
Bathing and grooming | Sitting with balance during bathing Standing with balance during bathing Brushing teeth Washing face |
Dressing and undressing | Choice of clothes Wearing pants and shorts/skirt Wearing of shirt or dress Putting on socks Putting on shoes Taking off the shirt or dress Taking off shoes Taking off socks Taking off shorts/skirt and pants |
Skin care | Responding to touch in the lower limbs Responding to pain in the lower limbs Communicating the presence of pressure sores |
Source: Authors’ own work