Conserved nitrated tyrosine residues in hemopexin isolates from human, rabbit, and rat plasma
Quantifiable nitration in hemopexin was detected on a few conserved tyrosines as described under “Experimental procedures” and identified using LC-MS/MS of peptides from a trypsin digest of hemopexin from three different species. The predominant nitrotyrosine (Tyrn) identified was a tyrosine in the conserved tryptic peptide YYCFQGNQFLR in human HPX. Using the relative abundance and 3D structural data of heme-hemopexin, the tyrosine most often nitrated in the conserved tryptic peptide YYnCFQGNQFLR is from human (Tyr-199), rabbit (Tyr-201), and rat (Tyr-118) hemopexin. This assignment cannot be unequivocally supported by our current MS/MS spectrum analyses (because of the absence of key diagnostic fragments (b-1, or y-10 using collision induced diffusion, or CID on the ion trap) on different species of hemopexin but, as described under “Results,” the structural data allow only this conclusion. These MS/MS data were obtained from the following hemopexin isolates: eight individual human serum samples, three separate pooled rabbit sera samples, and one pooled rat serum. One human hemopexin isolate lacked detectable nitration.