Peptides with additional oxidative modifications of tyrosine residues identified by LC-MS/MS after incubation of rabbit hemopexin with t-BuOOH and HOCl
These modified peptides were unambiguously identified by MASCOT with the tyrosine modifications shown, based on mass difference, but the particular amino acid was not validated by MS/MS fragmentation. HPX, ROS ratios were 1:10 HOCl (FNPVSGEVPPGYdi-ClPLDVR, DYClFLSCPGR, and DYdi-ClFLSCPGR), and 1:1, 1:2.5, and 1:10 t-BuOOH (FNPVSGEVPPGYt-BuPLDVR). Mascot scores for FNPVSGEVPPGYt-BuPLDVR from 1:1 and 1:2.5 t-BuOOH searches were 39.2 and 32.8, respectively. Superscripts indicate residues modified by t-butylation (t-Bu), mono- (Cl), or di-chlorination (di-Cl).