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. 2001 Jul;12(7):2147–2170. doi: 10.1091/mbc.12.7.2147

Table 4.

Homozygous diploid deletion strains with random budding pattern

Category Gene (ORF) Budding patterna Morphological phenotype Mat a budding pattern Bud8p localization
Ribosome proteins
 Strong phenotype RPS27B >50% R Round 2   WT
RPL14A >50% R WT   WT
RPS0B >50% R Round 2   WT
RPL22A >50% R Round 3, clumpy 2   WT
RPS17A >50% R Small 2   WT
RPS7A >50% R Round 2+   WT
RPL7A >50% R WT   WT
RPL39 >50% R Round 2, small 2   NT
 Weak phenotype RPL12B <30% R Small 2   WT
RPL27A <40% R Round 2   WT
RPS28B <50% R Round 2   WT
RPS30A <30% R WT   WT
RPS29A <30% R WT   WT
RPS1B <50% R WT   WT
RPS18B <30% R Small 3   WT
Vesicular transport proteins
 Strong phenotype BST1 >50% R Round 4   WT WT
CLC1 >50% R Round 3, clumpy 3   WT Weak or ND
YPT31 >50% Round 3   WT More patch
VMA5 >50% R Round 2   WT WT
VAM8 >50% R Large 2   WT Diffuse at bud and more at neck
VPS34 >50% R Round 3, large 3   WT WT
VAM3 >50% R Round 3   WT Most or all of the bud periphery
VAC7 >50% R Large 2   NT WT
END3 >50% R Small 3, round 2   NT More concentrated at the tip
COS16 >50% R Rounds 2+   NT NT
 Weak phenotype LUV1 <50% R Round 2   WT
CUP5 <50% R Round 3   WT
VPS45 <20% R, <20% U Elongate 3, branch   NT
SEC22 15% R Large 2   WT
SNC2 50% R Round 3   WT
 Strong phenotype SLA1 >50% R Round 3   WT
RVS167 >50% R Round 2, clumpy 3   WT
CAP1 >50% R Large 3, round 3   WT Diffuse
YKE2 >50% R Round 2   WT
MDM20 >50% R Round 3   WT
RVS161 >50% R Round 3   WT
Bud site selection and cell  polarity proteins
 Strong phenotype RSR1 >50% R Small 2, round 2   Random
BUD2 >50% R WT   Random
SPA2 >50% R Round 3   WT Diffuse
BUD6 >50% R Round 3   WT Diffuse
ROM2 >50% R Large 3, round 3   WT
BEM4 >50% R Round 3   R; U; B WT
BNI1 >50% R Round 3   WT ND
Cell wall proteins
 Strong phenotype CWH8 >50% R Round 3, clumpy 2   Random ND
FKS1 >50% R Small/round 3−   WT WT
GAS1 >50% R Round 3, clumpy 3   WT 17% of the cells
 Weak phenotype SLG1 <20% R Elongate 2   WT
KRE6 <50% R Round 2, clumpy 2   WT
CCW12 40% R Round 2   NT
Lipid metabolism
 Strong phenotype GUP1 >50% R Round 2+, small 2+   WT
SUR4 >50% R Round 2   B; U; R
 Weak phenotype FEN1 23% U, 7% R WT   NT
ERG4 30% R, 20% U Round 3   WT
ERG3 40% U Round 2   WT
Protein modification
 Strong phenotype PMT2 >50% R Small 2, round 2   WT
MAP1 >50% R Round 3   WT
OST3 >50% R Small 3, round 3   WT
LAS21 >50% R Round 4    WT
NAT3 >50% R Round 3    WT
RAD6 >50% R Large 3 or large/round 3    WT
 Weak phenotype MNN2 30% R Small 3, round 3    NT
Transcriptional proteins
 Strong phenotype CCR4 >50% R Round 3    WT Weak or ND
NOT5 >50% R Round 2, clumpy 2    WT Weak or ND
POP2 >50% R Round 3    NT Weak or ND
RLR1 >50% R Elongate 2    NT
CTK1 >50% R Round 3    NT
SSN6 >50% R Round 3, clumpy 3    NT Weak or ND
TUP1 >50% R Round 3, clumpy 3    WT Weak or ND
HCR1 >50% R Small 3    NT
 Weak phenotype SIN4 50% U, 50% B Clumpy 3+    WT
CTK3 20% R, few U WT    WT
GCR3 43% U WT    WT
RPB4 30% U, few R Elongate 2    NT
Nuclear proteins
 Strong phenotype SPO7 >50% R Round 3, large 2    WT
NPL3 >50% R WT    WT
NSR1 >50% R Football 2    WT
SFP1 >50% R Small 2    WT
NEM1 >50% R Round 2    WT
HMO1 >50% R    NT    NT
RAI1 >50% R Round 2    NT
LSM1 >50% R Small 3, round 3    WT
LOC1 >50% R Round 3    WT
 Weak phenotype TOP3 40% R Large 2, elongate 2    WT
TRF4 20% U or R Large 3    WT
ZUO1 <50% U Round 2    NT
Other proteins
 Strong phenotype HEM14 >50% R Round 3    WT
ATP14 >50% R Small 2    WT
PRS3 >50% R Round 3    WT
RIB4 >50% R Round 3    WT
 Weak phenotype YPS7 30% R Small 3/round 3    WT
PRO1 50% R Large 3, football 3    WT
ILM1 50% R Round 3    NT
Unknown protein
 Strong phenotype BUD14/YAR014c >50% R Elongate 3    WT
BUD15/YBL047c >50% R WT    WT
BUD16/YEL029c >50% R Large 2, round 3    WT
BUD17/YNR027w >50% R Round 3    NT
BUD18/YER044c >50% R Small/round 3, clumpy 2    WT
YGR151ca >50% R Round 3    R
BUD19/YJL188c >50% R Round 3    WT
BUD20/YLR074c >50% R Small/round 3    WT
BUD21/YOR078w >50% R WT    WT
BUD22/YMR014w >50% R Small 2    NT
BUD23/YCR047c >50% R NT    NT
 Weak phenotype BUD24/YDR320c 50% R Small/round 2+    WT
BUD25/YER014c-a <50% R WT    WT
BUD26/YDR241w 40% R Small 2    WT
BUD27/YFL023w 40% R Football 3    WT
BUD28/YLR062c <50% R, 15% U Round 3    WT
BUD29/YOL072w <40% R Round 2    WT
BUD30/YDL151c 45% R, 10% U Round 2    NT
BUD31/YCR063w 50% R, few U Large 3, round 2    NT
BUD32/YGR262c 50% R Large 2    NT

WT, wild-type; ND, not detected; NT, not tested; R, random; U, unipolar; B, bipolar. 


 Overlaps with BUD1.