Figure 4.
CXCL13 levels in plasma of healthy controls and HIV-1 infected children prior to vaccination and at 1 and 6 months post vaccination. CXCL13 was measured prior to vaccination and at 1 and 6 months post vaccination in specimens from healthy controls (n = 63, 62 and 53) and HIV-1 infected children (n = 49, 47 and 41) (A). ANOVA was used to calculate the differences between healthy controls and HIV-1 infected children at the 3 time points. Unpaired T test was also used to calculate the differences between healthy controls and HIV-1 at individual time points. The lines represent the median values in the figures. ****p < 0.0001. A correlation was found between the plasma levels of CXCL13 and anti-HBs abs at 6 months from the last vaccination in healthy controls (panel B: n = 53). A significant correlation was found in the group of healthy controls at 1 month post vaccination (C; n = 35) and HIV-1 infected children when comparing the levels of plasmatic CXCL13 expression and frequency of cTfh cells at baseline (D; n = 19). HIV = HIV-1 infected children; HC = healthy controls.