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. 2017 Aug 21;7:8973. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-08846-6

Table 2.

Areas of significant brain activation for the analysis the N-Back task, separately for each Group.

Analysis of N-Back task, separated by Group
BA X Y Z Voxels F Stat.
Group: TBI Caudate/Caudate Tail −19 −25 16 36 12.96
Posterior Cingulate 23 9 −39 24 247 16.32
Superior Temporal Gyrus 39 −41 −51 12 109 17.8
Task x Fatigue
Anterior Cingulate 24 −7 31 6 265 19.39
Caudate/Caudate Body 13 −13 22 286 18.38
Caudate Tail/Posterior Cingulate 30 −21 −47 14 236 15.33
Insula 13 −37 −25 18 273 21.75
Precentral Gyrus 4 −19 −21 56 702 17.52
Posterior Cingulate 30 23 −61 12 156 13.54
Precuneus 7 27 −47 42 371 17.67
Inferior Parietal Lobule 40 39 −33 38 343 22.81
Task X Fatigue
Group: HC Middle Frontal Gyrus 10 37 43 24 345 17.62
Middle Frontal Gyrus 6 −27 −5 58 312 8.15
Middle Frontal Gyrus 6 23 1 50 249 7.29
Medial/Superior Frontal Gyrus 10 −19 45 2 2053 9.02
Medial Frontal Gyrus, extending into right caudate head 32 −9 13 44 1756 8.73
Inferior Frontal Gyrus 9 59 9 28 635 7.69
Caudate/Caudate Head 3 1 6 564 11.46
Caudate/Caudate Tail −15 −31 20 36 9.95
Thalamus/Pulvinar −25 −25 4 125 7.9
Thalamus 7 −23 2 219 13.63
Insula 13 −43 −5 18 776 7.11
Insula 13/22 41 −27 2 567 7.76
Precental Gyrus 6 −43 −7 44 437 7.55
Inferior Parietal Lobule 40 37 −39 48 558 7.77
Middle Occipital Gyrus 19/37 43 −71 4 382 8.85
Fusiform Gyrus 37 37 −53 −16 191 12.72
Lingual Gyrus 18 −31 −71 −10 2154 14.24

‘BA’ denotes Broadman’s Area; ‘X’, ‘Y’, and ‘Z’ denote the location in Talairach space of the voxel in the cluster with the highest activation; ‘Voxels’ denotes the number of voxels in each cluster; ‘F-Stat.’ denotes the F-statistic associated with the voxel of highest activation.