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. 2017 Aug 21;7:8329. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-08060-4

Table 2.

Parameters used in both buffer and serum models with definitions and units.

Parameter Definition Units
k 1 early Early predator-pathogen binding rate ml cell−1 s−1
k 1 late Late predator-pathogen binding rate ml cell−1 s−1
k 2 Predator internalization rate s−1
k 3 Predator reproduction rate (time from entry to exit) s−1
k 4 Transient predator-pathogen binding rate s−1
V max Maximum pathogen growth rate on serum s−1
Vmaxw Maximum pathogen growth rate on predation-derived waste s−1
E Efficiency of serum resource metabolism arb. units
E w Efficiency of predation-derived waste resource metabolism arb. units
s Serum growth resource at half maximal growth arb. units
s w Waste growth resource at half maximal growth arb. units
d P Rate of accumulation of predation-derived waste s−1
d BD Debris produced from predator cell death s−1
d I Natural antimicrobial inactivation rate s−1
dmaxBD Maximal predator removal rate due to dead predator debris s−1
dminBD Baseline predator removal rate due to dead predator debris s−1
h Rate of change of predator removal rate arb. units
a BD Predator removal rate by antimicrobials s−1
a P Prey removal rate by antimicrobials s−1
c BD Predator dependant antimicrobial inactivation rate s−1
c P Pathogen dependant antimicrobial inactivation rate s−1
f Rate of prey transition to resistance s−1
n Fractional index of pathogen-antimicrobial interaction dimensionless
ρ Predator progeny number dimensionless
λ Natural predator death rate s−1
ν Proportion of viable invaded prey dimensionless
δ Reduced attachment length at early timepoints h−1
I 0 Initial serum antimicrobial concentration arb. units
R 0 Initial serum growth resource concentration arb. units