(A) Scheme of the T-SSR application. White and black rectangles are fragments flanking Δ, the DNA fragment to be deleted, while the striped rectangle is the DNA fragment to be inserted in place of Δ. Black triangles represent target sequences loxP, FRT or PSL for Cre, Flp or IntXO T-SSR, respectively. The detailed description of the application of Cre-loxP, Flp-FRT and IntXO-PSL were described previously [6–8] and in the Results section. (B) PCR verification of deletions in cysP1, nprC, vpR and s41 protease genes with corresponding primer pairs 1995seqF/R, 2183 seqF/R, 4584 seqF/R and 5414 seqF/R. GenBank accession numbers for proteases and strains used to verify the retention of specific segments are indicated at the top of the gel. Mr, GeneRuler DNA ladder mix for size determination (e.g., 3,000 bp).