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. 2017 Aug 22;12(8):e0183669. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0183669

Table 1. Summary of acoustic and satellite tag deployments on tiger sharks at the three tagging locations within the Galapagos Marine Reserve in 2014–15.

  Shark ID Tagging date TL (cm) Sex Satellite Acoustic
  Days transmitting % residency time* Days monitored** Days transmitting No. detections RI*** (per tagging site)
TS1 30-Jan-2014 274 F 116 90.48 307 152 761 0.50
TS2 30-Jan-2014 251 F 210 74.83 79 19 150 0.24
TS3 30-Jan-2014 248 F 127 99.02 - - - -
TS4 30-Jan-2014 383 F 333 82.78 262 111 438 0.42
TS5 11-Jun-2015 225 F - - 104 71 482 0.68
TS6 11-Jun-2015 240 F 67 98.48 104 47 185 0.45
  Average TL ± SE = 270.17 ± 23.49            
Cerro Ballena                  
TS7 23-Jul-2014 140 F - - 180 41 140 0.23
TS8 23-Jul-2014 224 M 25 87.50 303 68 510 0.22
TS9 24-Jul-2014 234 F 26 100.00 271 16 82 0.06
TS10 24-Jul-2014 171 F 21 100.00 286 45 399 0.16
TS11 24-Jul-2014 260 F 115 100.00 - - - -
TS12 7-Oct-2014 180 M - - 113 23 376 0.20
TS13 7-Oct-2014 180 M - - 195 93 1183 0.48
TS14 21-Feb-2015 206 F 58 78.12 74 10 23 0.14
TS15 21-Feb-2015 202 M 84 98.30 177 16 99 0.09
  Average TL ± SE = 199.67 ± 12.14            
TS16 22-Feb-2015 378 F 128 100.00 - - - -
TS17 22-Feb-2015 282 F 14 100.00 58 1 1 -
TS18 22-Feb-2015 324 M 45 100.00 118 2 2 -
TS19 23-Feb-2015 286 M 66 95.61 - - - -
TS20 23-Feb-2015 242 M 37 100.00 68 1 1 -
  Average TL ± SE = 302.40 ± 22.93            

*% residency time refers to the percent of time spent in resident behaviour within the GMR, as determined by the SSSM model.

**Days monitored refers to the number of days that the shark could be detected by the acoustic receivers (note that acoustic receivers were deployed after the sharks were tagged).

***RI = residency index per site (i.e., total number of days a shark was detected divided by the number of days that the shark was monitored by the receivers).