Fig. 3. The Galapagos cormorant variant IFT122 Q691L affects ciliary function in vivo.
(A) The daf-10 gene (IFT122 ortholog) was targeted with CRISPR/Cas9 homology mediated repair in C. elegans to introduce a non-synonymous substitution present exclusively in the Galapagos Cormorant (IFT122 Q691L). The resulting edited knock-in strain contains the daf-10 Q862L substitution and ten synonymous substitutions (17). Edited strains were sequenced with Sanger sequencing to confirm genotypes. Representative bordering behavior of (B) N2 wild type worms, (C) daf-10(e1387) containing a premature stop codon Q892X, and (D) daf-10 Q862L knock-in strain. (E) Quantification of bordering behavior in N2, daf-10(e1387) and two independently generated knock-in ) daf-10 Q862L strains (n=3, t-test, (*) P <0.05).