Table 1. Expected characteristics of six planned Andean dams.
Dam | Country | River | MWa | Basin Areab, 103 km2 |
Reservoir Areab, km2 |
Reservoir Volumeb, 108 m3 |
Inflow, 108m3y-1 |
Angosto del Bala | Bolivia | Beni | 1600 | 69.8 | 1,048 | 200 | 646c |
TAM 40 | Peru | Ucayali | 1286 | 123.6 | n.a. | n.a. | 1,337d |
Pongo de Aguirre | Peru | Huallaga | 750 | 69.4 | n.a. | n.a. | 941d |
Pongo de Manseriche | Peru | Marañón | 4500 | 114.2 | 7204 | 7,420 | 1,582d |
Rositas | Bolivia | Grande | 400 | 59.2 | 241 | 125 | 95c |
Inambari | Peru | Inambari | 1500 | 18.3 | 319 | 158 | 487e |
a [2, supplemental data].
b estimated here, using dam location, specified reservoir surface elevation and SRTM–DEM [60]; water inflow = measured discharge at dam site.
c [18].
d [61], inflow for TAM40 dam estimated from discharge measured at Lagartos gauging station, corrected by ratio of basin areas above these sites, assuming similar runoff.
e B. Forsberg, unpublished data
n.a. = not available.