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. 2017 Aug 23;12(8):e0183613. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0183613

Table 1. Differences between cannabis users and non-users by sex.

Male Female Gender comparison
Cannabis users Non-users Cannabis users Non-users Cannabis users
  N Mean (SD/%) N Mean (SD/%) p value Effect size N Mean (SD/%) N Mean (SD/%) p value Effect size P value Effect size
SOCIODEMOGRAPHIC VARIABLES                            
Age, years 186 24.84 (5.59) 125 31.42 (9.54) p<0.001** -0.840 50 27.01 (8.14) 188 35.37 (10.25) p<0.001** -0.903 p = 0.206 -0.309
Years of education 184 8.95 (2.68) 123 10.12 (3.29) p = 0.002** -0.387 50 10.60 (3.51) 180 11.19 (3.18) p = 0.243 -0.153 p = 0.002** -0.550
Familyhistory of psychosis 186 38 (20.43%) 124 30 (24.19%) p = 0.433 50 15 (30%) 187 44 (23.52%) p = 0.347 p<0.150
Hospitalization 186 135 (72.58%) 125 91 (72.8%) p = 0.966 50 32 (64%) 187 121 (64.70%) p = 0.926 p<0.236
Low socio-economic status 179 98 (54.74%) 121 62 (51.23%) p = 0.550 49 23 (46.93%) 182 99 (54.39%) p = 0.353 p<0.332
Urbanarea 183 133 (72.67%) 124 84 (67.74%) p = 0.351 50 37 (74%) 183 132 (72.13%) p = 0.793 p<0.852
Living withparents 184 119 (64.67%) 124 70 (56.45%) p = 0.146 50 16 (32%) 185 68 (36.75%) p = 0.533 p<0.001**
Unmarried 185 169 (91.35%) 125 100 (80%) p = 0.004** 49 33 (67.34%) 185 95 (51.35%) p = 0.045* p<0.001**
Unemployed 184 93 (50.54%) 124 59 (47.58%) p = 0.610 50 18 (36%) 185 65 (35.13%) p = 0.910 p<0.068
Age of cannabis use onset (years) 164 16.93 (4.10) 46 18.48 (5.42) p = 0.10 -0.322
Duration of cannabis use 151 8.06 (4.76) 42 8.02 (6.76) p = 0.962 0.007
Amount (joints/week) 160 27.68 (24.59) 43 18.26 (17.69) p = 0.004** 0.439
CLINICAL VARIABLES                            
DUI (months) 177 18.77 (22.37) 113 27.86 (44.16) p = 0.206 -0.259 49 14.43 (40.16) 175 23.23 (41.35) p = 0.242 -0.215 p = 0.025* 0.133
DUP (months) 185 8.61 (12.33) 120 16.08 (32.44) p = 0.091 -0.304 49 3.73 (4.94) 182 16.48 (37.41) p = 0.421 -0.477 p = 0.035* 0.522
SAPS 186 14.41 (4.20) 125 13.32 (4.43) p = 0.018* 0.252 50 13.84 (5.01) 187 13.40 (4.45) p = 0.542 0.092 p = 0.464 0.123
SANS 184 6.82 (6.34) 125 7.54 (6.69) p = 0.368 -0.110 50 6.34 (5.51) 185 5.83 (5.74) p = 0.242 0.090 p = 0.980 0.080
Psychoticdimension 186 7.71 (2.39) 125 7.55 (2.52) p = 0.483 0.064 50 7.30 (2.38) 187 7.03 (2.51) p = 0.608 0.110 p = 0.211 0.171
Negativedimension 186 4.92 (5.71) 125 5.95 (5.99) p = 0.064 0.064 50 4.10 (5.16) 187 4.05 (5.32) p = 0.596 0.009 p = 0.547 0.150
Disorganizeddimension 186 6.70 (3.40) 125 5.77 (3.39) p = 0.008** -0.175 50 6.54 (3.60) 187 6.36 (6.60) p = 0.425 0.049 p = 0.916 0.045
DAS 168 1.32 (1.52) 115 1.93 (1.59) p = 0.001** 0.273 45 1.31 (1.32) 167 1.17 (1.42) p = 0.335 0.101 p = 0.697 0.007
GAF 109 52.11 (32.16) 81 43.79 (28.67) p = 0.109 -0.390 34 55.35 (29.89) 123 61.36 (31.93) p = 0.345 -0.194 p = 0.457 -0.104
CDDS 185 2.21 (3.31) 125 2.14 (2.98) p = 0.984 0.273 50 2.18 (3.01) 187 2.39 (3.29) p = 0.641 -0.066 p = 0.743 0.009
Schizophrenia diagnosis 186 98 (52.68%) 125 77 (61.6%) p = 0.120 50 21 (42%) 188 82 (43.61%) p = 0.837 p<0.180
SUMD: insight mental illness 167 60 (35.92%) 113 52 (46.01%) p = 0.091 45 19 (42.22%) 170 83 (48.82%) p = 0.430 p<0.438
NEUROCOGNITIVE VARIABLES                            
Verbal Memory 137 6.85 (2.89) 101 7.10 (3.20) p = 0.538 -0.081 39 8.05 (3.51) 149 8.05 (3.33) p = 0.994 0 p = 0.057 -0.372
Visual Memory 136 19.30 (6.84) 100 17.95 (7.51) p = 0.153 0.187 39 16.80 (6.47) 147 16.29 (6.56) p = 0.665 0.078 p = 0.044* 0.374
Working Memory 137 5.50 (1.70) 101 5.47 (1.62) p = 0.897 0.018 39 5.23 (1.81) 149 5.28 (1.97) p = 0.925 -0.026 p = 0.285 0.153
Executive Function 133 55.81 (40.10) 99 60.79 (47.24) p = 0.525 -0.113 36 49.94 (33.21) 142 68 (57.32) p = 0.158 0.385 p = 0.534 -0.159
Processing speed 137 5.57 (2.62) 100 6.60 (3.10) p = 0.006** -0.358 39 7.36 (3) 150 7.93 (2.62) p = 0.239 -0.202 p<0.001** -0.635
Motor dexterity 133 71.47 (14.23) 98 79.42 (36.93) p = 0.131 -0.284 39 66.66 (12.72) 144 72.14 (22.26) p = 0.120 -0.302 p = 0.060 0.355
Attention 128 72.75 (10.67) 96 66.52 (17.60) p = 0.017* 0.428 37 68.97 (12.21) 140 67.07 (15.09) p = 0.619 0.138 p = 0.059 0.329
Premorbid Intelligence (IQ) 132 8.40 (2.74) 99 9.29 (2.99) p = 0.076 -0.309 39 8.85 (2.46) 146 9.92 (2.38) p = 0.008** -0.440 p = 0.365 -0.172
GCF 123 1.38 (0.86) 91 1.67 (1.11) p = 0.037* -0.292 34 1.19 (0.84) 129 1.35 (0.94) p = 0.356 -0.179 p = 0.257 0.223

SAPS: Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms; SANS: Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms; CDSS: Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia; SUMD: Scale Unawareness of Mental Disorders; DUI: Duration of untreated illness; DUP: duration of untreated psychosis; DAS: The Disability Assessment Scale; GAF: Global Assessment Functioning; GCF: Global Cognitive Functioning.