A05214-3LB |
Putative ZC resistance, cultivar Defender as grandparent |
A07781-10LB, A07781-3LB, A07781-4LB (unpublished data) |
Derived from Solanum species S. chacoense. The three clones represent full sibs from family A07781; other siblings previously identified as ZC resistant in OR & TX field screening, with preliminary evidence for putative resistance to Lso. |
463–4, P2-4, A05379-211, A07701-8LB, A07705-4LB, A07701-6LB (Butler et al. 2011, Diaz-Montano et al. 2013) |
Derived from solanum species S. etuberosum and S. berthaultii. Potential impact on vector fitness and Lso transmission, clones represent haploid x S. berthaultii parent (463–4), BC1 (P2-4) and BC4 (4 remaining clones) |
A02449-100 |
Putative resistance to ZC |
Russet Burbank (Munyaneza et al. 2011) |
Susceptible control; US commercial cultivar |