Fig. 1.
a The daily fecundity of JU1410 and N2 with or without pheromone derived from their own strain. Daily fecundity, as a proportion of lifetime fecundity, significantly varies across the four days of reproduction in both strains (JU1410 Day d.f. = 5, χ2 = 11,475, P < 0.001; N2 Day d.f. = 6, 11,445, P < 0.001; for JU1401 there are no day 4 data hence the difference in the relevant degrees of freedom) and there is a significant Treatment x Day interaction (JU1410 d.f. = 5, χ2 = 603.9, P < 0.001; N2 d.f. = 6, χ2 = 11,445, P < 0.001), showing that pheromone affects the timing of reproduction. b The daily fecundity of JU1409, JU1410, MY1, N2 and PX174 with or without pheromone derived from JU1410, MY1, N2, PX174, or in the control, no pheromone, treatment. Daily fecundity, as a proportion of lifetime fecundity, is changed by the presence of pheromone (Treatment x Day d.f. = 46, χ2 = 12,998, P < 0.001), and the strains differ in their responses (Strain x Treatment d.f. = 62, χ2 = 84, P = 0.001; Day x Strain x Treatment, d.f. = 24,132.5, χ2 = 1155.2 P < 0.001). Error bars are ±1 standard deviation