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. 2017 Aug 22;17:197. doi: 10.1186/s12862-017-1033-9

Table 1.

The size of N2 worms with or without JU1410-derived pheromone with (A) live or (B) dead E. coli OP50, showing the mean length (SD = standard deviation), and t-test results comparing the pheromone-treated and control worms (significant effects are in bold), and (C) the larval stage of development after 36 h of growth as judged by the development of the vulva as in (A) showing the number and, in parentheses, the proportion at each stage

Without pheromone With pheromone t-test
Time (h) Length (μm) SD Length (μm) SD d.f. t P
0 284.89 42.87 287.63 26.70 nd nd nd
12 344.45 17.54 342.08 27.65 33 0.34 0.74
24 573.36 76.46 560.87 45.07 33.4 0.67 0.51
36 683.58 51.07 804.24 65.86 50.5 −7.86 <0.001
48 931.95 143.34 1061.76 106.71 43.3 −3.93 <0.001
60 1050.69 77.81 1282.13 84.13 74.8 −12.54 <0.001
72 1269.93 50.59 1399.32 95.65 57.4 −7.28 <0.001
96 1351.72 50.76 1496.66 113.61 50.7 −7.03 <0.001
120 1426.73 144.42 1524.65 116.55 30.6 −2.16 0.04
168 1399.29 119.21 1538.65 146.62 23.2 −2.73 0.01
12 369.8678 24.67 370.37 25.53 67.4 −0.08 0.94
24 454.81 33.69 470.23 31.05 74.8 74.79 0.04
36 685.24 91.94 713.83 71.71 78.6 78.59 0.12
48 946.89 79.87 961.37 81.85 84.0 83.95 0.41
60 1126.54 66.14 1127.45 92.39 67.88 −0.05 0.96
72 1273.73 70.68 1316.78 57.96 80 −3.03 0.003
96 1298.74 49.27 1311.07 39.78 88.47 −1.36 0.18
120 1402.26 55.53 1412.51 67.68 93.07 −0.83 0.41
168 1506.47 72.66 1493.70 77.99 97.51 0.85 0.40
Developmental stage Without pheromone With pheromone
Early L3 1 (0.04) 0 (0)
Mid L3 0 (0) 0 (0)
Late L3 1 (0.04) 1 (0.04)
L3/L4 moult 3 (0.12) 0 (0)
Early L4 9 (0.36) 1 (0.04)
Mid L4 5 (0.2) 6 (0.23)
Late L4 4 (0.16) 14 (0.54)
Late L4 to adult 2 (0.08) 4 (0.15)
Total 25 (1) 26 (1)

L is larval stage. nd = done