First Steps |
Baseline Phase |
Position baseline landmarks – UES, proximal and distal LES borders with electronic sleeve, gastric markers
Identify the pressure inversion point (PIP)
Examine EGJ morphology
Individual Swallow |
Measure the IRP, reposition landmarks if needed
Identify the CDP, and measure the DCI & and DL
Measure spatial breaks when present under an isobaric contour of 20mmHg
Assess for pressurization under an isobaric contour of 30mmHg
Synthesize the Information |
Documentation |
Include the following information in an esophageal manometry procedure report
Reason for referral/Indication
Final motility diagnosis accompanied by classification scheme used for interpretation
Summary of results
Tabulated results including UES activity, EGJ relaxation (typically in form of IRP), presence or absence of PIP, contractile function, peristaltic integrity, and pressurization pattern
Technical limitations, if any
Communication to referring provider
Optional Applications |
Assess the baseline phase and each swallow in the seated position
Interpret response to provocative measures (viscous/solid swallow, multiple rapid swallow, rapid water bolus)
Add the impedance function when available to assess bolus transit and, if performed, post-prandial responses
Assess the EGJ Contractile Integral