FIG. 2.
SCR-mediated triggered activity following a paced AP in an isolated DAD-prone myocyte. (a) Subcellular Ca2+ transients resulting from a paced AP (black trace) and from two different stochastic SCR (inset) events (blue and red traces) originating approximately at time t = 750 ms. (b) Vm traces of the last paced AP (out of 100 pacing cycles) before a 1000-ms pause. Traces taken from the same two experiments in (a). The elevations in the subcellular Ca2+ induced membrane depolarizations which either turned into a subthreshold DAD (blue trace) or a full-blown AP (red trace). Inset: evolution for the subthreshold DAD (solid line) in (a) and for the same experiment with a 5-mV negative-shift in the steady-state Na+ channel inactivation (dashed line).