Fig. 2.
Node change by decision-making task parameters. Eleven nodes showed credible difference between groups in relation to decision phase and/or trial accuracy. Triangles are the estimated mean distributions for the groups, circles are the calculated difference distributions between groups (effect of ADHD: controls-placebo; effect of MPH: methylphenidate-placebo). The error bars denote the 95% highest density interval of the distributions. Solid horizontal lines are the value limits of the plots. Particularly DMN node 1 showed interesting negative co-variation with both decision phase and accuracy, which was stronger in the patient placebo condition compared to controls in the decision-phase. The node with the strongest positive association with choice onset was frontoparietal node 6 (DAN), where controls show increased activity compared to patients. This node encompasses the intraparietal sulcus, an area implicated in evidence accumulation in value-based decision-making (Basten et al., 2010). Activation in node 5 (executive control) showed a strong negative association with trial accuracy, which was more pronounced in controls compared to patients. Cereb. = cerebellum; DMN = default mode network; Exec.Contr. = executive control network; Frontopari. = frontoparietal network; Subcort. = subcortical network.