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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Sep 1.
Published in final edited form as: Cancer. 2017 Jun 16;123(17):3229–3240. doi: 10.1002/cncr.30826

Table 2. Suggested adult M-HLH baseline work-up.

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    Ferritin, coagulation panel with fibrinogen; LDH, lactate, triglyceride, beta2-microglobulin, CRP, CBC with diff, peripheral smear review, CMP: order STAT

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    Soluble IL2 receptor, cytokine panel (if available locally or as a send out), soluble CD163

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    Cultures blood, urine, sputum, bronchoscopy

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    NK function and T-lymphocyte subsets by PB flow requisition

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    Pregnancy test

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    Serologies: EBV, CMV, HSV, acute hepatitis screen, parvovirus

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    Viral loads: EBV, CMV, HHV-6, HHV-8, HIV, parvovirus, adenovirus if prior alloSCT;

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    Urine: histoplasmosis antigen; serum quantiferon

    DAT, ANA (other rheumatology work-up if indicated)

    Immunoglobulin panel (quantitative immune globulins, IgG subsets)

    Transferrin saturation: if elevated, HFE gene analysis

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    PET-CT preferred over CT chest/abdomen/pelvis

    MRI brain, possibly spine

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    Biopsies (as clinically indicated to identify hemophagocytosis or diagnose/stage underlying tumor):

    Bone marrow aspiration and biopsies

    Lymph node aspiration by FNAC if palpable nodes, consider excisional biopsy

    Skin biopsies particularly if rash, livedo, skin lesions, normal vascular changes/red moles

    Liver biopsy (if HLH liver involvement features)

    Lumbar puncture (diagnostic and therapeutic) as soon as bleeding risk declines

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    Hypomorphic mutation genetic testing: to be ordered when HLH diagnosis confirmed (if available locally or as a send-out)

LDH, lactate dehydrogenase, CRP, C-reactive protein, CBC, complete blood count, CMP, comprehensive metabolic panel, NK, natural killer, DAT, direct antiglobulin testing, ANA, anti-nuclear antibody, HFE, human factors engineering, HLH, hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis