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. 2017 Aug 9;19(8):e266. doi: 10.2196/jmir.7573

Table 2.

Reported structure and delivery characteristics of Internet-based psychological therapies for adolescent MDD.

Participants Program details
Target age
Time commitment Contact Adapted from
Blues Blaster (USA) [24] 11-15 P No Total: 60-90 minutes over 1 wk
6 modules (10-15 minutes per module); 1 module/day
None None Face-to-face Coping With Depression
CATCH-IT (USA) [21,25-32] 14-21 P Yes Total: 660-840 minutes over 7-8 wks
11-14 modules (60 minutes per module); 1-2 modules/wk
In-personb Phone
Chilled Plus (AUS) [33,34] 12-17 T Yes Total: 600 minutes over 8 weeks
8 modules (60 minute per module + 30 minute phone calls); 1 module/wk
In-person Email Face-to-face Chilled
Cope2thrive (USA) [35,36] 13-18 P, T No Total: 350 minutes over 7 weeks
7 sessions (50 minutes per session); 1 session/wk
None Email/ Phone Face-to-face COPE group
CURB (USA) [37] 13-17 P Yes Total: 660-840 minutes over 7-8 weeks
11-14 modules (60 minutes per module); 1-2 modules/wk
In-person Phone CATCH-IT
DEAL (AUS) [38-41] 18-25 T No Total: 240 minutes over 4 wks
4 sessions (60 minutes per session)
None Email Computerized SHADE
DWD (CAN) [42,43] 13-18 P, T No Total: unspecified
8 sections
None None Manualized DWD
Feeling Better (CAN) [44,45] 16-30 T No Total: 120-200 minutes over 6-10 wks None Email/ Phone Telehealth Family Help
iRFCBT (UK) [46] 15-22 P No Total: 360 minutes over 6-12 wks
6 modules (60 minutes per module); 1 module/1-2 wks
None Email Internet MindReSolve
iTreAD (AUS) [47] 18-30 T No Total: minimum 240 minutes + social networking over 12 months
4 sessions (60 minutes per module)
None Email/ Online chat Includes DEAL as component
Master Your Mood (NZ) [48-52] 16-25 T No Total: 720 minutes over 8 wks
8 modules (90 minutes per modules); 1 module/wk
None Online chat Face-to face group Grip op je dip
MAYA (Chile) [53-55] 12-18 T No Total: <20 minutes over <1 wk
1 session
None None
Mood Mechanic Course (AUS) [56,57] 18-25 T No Total: 1924 minutes over 8 wks
5 lessons
None Email/ phone/ text Internet UniWellbeing
MoodGym (AUS) [58-68] 12-17 P, T No Total: 150-300 minutes over 2-3 wks
5 modules (30-60 minutes per module); 1-2 modules/wk
Nonec None
MoodHelper (USA) [69] 18-24 T No Total: unspecified
4 sessions
None None Internet for adults ODIN
OIPE (USA) [70] 12-17 T No Total: unspecified number of minutes over 12 wks
8 modules
In-person Text
Rebound (AUS) [71,72] 15-24 RP No Total: unspecified number of minutes over 12 wks
User can select from 56 sessions (20 minutes per session)
None Social network moderation Internet Horysons for youth psychosis
SPARX (AUS) [73-79] 13-18 P, T No Total: 210 minutes
7 modules (30 minutes per module)
Noned Phone CD-ROM SPARX
Thiswayup (AUS) [80,81] 12-16 P No Total: 228-263 minutes over 7 wks
7 modules (per module: 15-20 minutes online + 17.5 minute discussion); 1 module/wk
In-person In-person Face-to-face CLIMATE Schools

aTesting context refers to the type of population who received the therapy: P=prevention (ie, recruited participants with subthreshold depression), T=treatment (ie, inclusion criteria stipulated that participant meet threshold for depressive symptomology, risk, or diagnosis), RP=relapse prevention (ie, required participant have had a previous depressive episode)

bContact with primary care provider was either motivational interview or brief advice.

cMoodGym was tested in different implementation contexts; some included no in-person contact and some with in-person contact.

dSPARX was tested in different implementation contexts; some included no in-person contact and some with in-person contact.