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. 2017 Aug 9;19(8):e266. doi: 10.2196/jmir.7573

Table 3.

The availability and contribution of evidence related to Internet-based psychological therapies.

Therapy Level of contributiona Documentation available for review Associated MMAT scoresa
Context Mechanism Outcome Usability Protocol Efficacy/Effectiveness
CATCH-IT High High High [27,29,30] [26] [21,25,28] 4 [21], 4 [25], 3 [29], 3 [30]
MoodGym High High High None None [58-68] 3 [58], 3 [59], 2 [60], 3 [61], 2 [62], 4 [63-64], 4 [65], 2 [66], 3 [67] [68]
SPARX High High High [74,75,78] [79] [73,77] 4 [73], 3 [74], 3 [75], 4 [77], 3 [78]
Blues Blaster High High Medium None None [24] 3 [24]
DEAL High Medium High [38] [40] [39,41] 3 [38], 3 [39,41]
Master Your Mood Medium High High None [51] [48,49] 2 [48], 2 [49]
MoodHelper Low High Medium None None [69] 3 [69]
Feeling Better Medium Medium Low [44,45] None None 2 [44], 2 [45]
Thiswayup Medium Low Medium None None [80,81] 2 [80], 4 [81]
Maya Low Medium Medium [53,54] None [55] 2 [53-55]
OIPE Low Low Medium None None [70] 2 [70]
Mood Mechanic Course Low Low Medium None None [56] 3 [56]
Rebound Medium Medium Low [71] None [72] 3 [71], 4 [72]
Cope2thrive Medium Low Medium None None [35] 3 [35]
CURB Medium Low None [37] None None N/A
iRFCBT Low Low None None [46] Ongoing trial N/A
iTreAD Low Low None None [47] Ongoing trial N/A
Chilled Plus Low Low None None None Ongoing trial N/A
DWD Low Low None None None Open Access N/A

aFollowing published guidelines for MMAT scoring, in instances where multiple documents reported on the same data set, a single MMAT score was calculated.