Figure 4.
Distribution of plectoneme and branch lengths. (A) Distribution of plectoneme lengths. Model plectoneme lengths (red triangles) fall between experimental fits to exponential distributions with mean lengths of 9 kb (based on transcriptional activity of supercoiling-sensitive genes; in green) and 11 kb (based on analysis of EM images; in blue) (figure adapted from (31)). (B) Branch count (red) as a function of plectoneme length compared to predictions based on plasmid branching (blue). Mean experimental branch counts for plasmids of lengths 3.5 and 7 kb (35) are in green. (C) Distribution of fractional branch lengths of simulated 7 kb plectonemes (red) compared with experimental lengths in a negatively-supercoiled 7 kb plasmid ((35); in blue). Further discussion of the alternative global orientations and details of the derivation of branching patterns from experiment appear in Supplementary Data.