Figure 1.
SCENERY workflow and functionalities. (1) At step 1, users submit data files and optional information about the experimental design. Access to the Getting Started section is always available from the top menu. (2) Step 2 allows overviewing the data and selecting an analysis to perform. SCENERY offers advanced machine learning methods on pre-processing, univariate analysis and NR. At step 3 users calibrate and perform the intended analysis i.e.: (3a) gate cell populations; (3b) compare between factor distributions; (3c) NR; (3d) data visualization; (4a and b) A notable functionality of SCENERY is its modularity. Following the web server standards power users can prepare and submit their own single-cell analysis methods. To guarantee the compatibility with the layout and structure of SCENERY, moderation of the submitted methods is performed offline by the server administrators.