Table 9.
Arguments of the ramachandran() function.
Argument name | Default value | Description |
dihedrals | none | Matrix with angles (two columns). Generated by function load_ramachandran(). |
xBins | 150 | Number of bins used to plot (x-axis). |
yBins | 150 | Number of bins used to plot (y-axis). |
heatFun | “norm” | Function selector for calculation of the colour. The possibilities are either: “norm” for linear calculation or “log” for logarithmic calculation. |
structureAreas | c() | List of areas, which are plotted as black lines. |
plotType | “sparse” | Type of plot to be used, either “sparse” (default, using function hist2d()), “comic” (own binning, supports very few datapoints), or “fancy” (3D, using function persp()). |
printLegend | FALSE | A Boolean specifying whether a heat legend is to be plotted or not. |
plotContour | FALSE | A Boolean specifying whether a contour should be added or not. |
barePlot | FALSE | A Boolean indicating whether the plot is to be made without any additional information. |
… | none | Additional arguments. |