Fig. 2.
Gel-shift assays to show siRNA binding to JB577 requires VKIKK. (a) Gel shift mobility assay displaying migration of free or peptide complexed siRNA. Peptide is free and not QD complexed. Three concentrations of siRNA: peptide were tested to determine optimal linkage concentrations on a 2% agarose gel. (b) Gel mobility shift assay showing the relative affinities of JB578, JB577, and QD: JB577 to siRNA. The lane assignments are as follows: 1: siRNA, 2: JB577, 3: JB578, 4: QD, 5: JB577:siRNA/3:1, 6: JB577:siRNA/6:1, 7: JB577:siRNA/9:1, 8: JB578:siRNA/6:1, 9: JB578:siRNA/9:1, 10: Blank, 11: siRNA:JB577:QD/1:6:1, 12: siRNA:JB577:QD/1:9:1. (c) Gel shift mobility assay displaying mobility of free or QD-peptide complexed siRNA. Peptide was assembled to QD prior to treatment with siRNA. Five concentrations of siRNA: peptide: QD were tested to determine optimal linkage concentrations on a 1.5% agarose gel.