Figure 2.
The deletion of Tmem30a in cone cells leads to cone cell degeneration. (A) The generation of cone-specific Tmem30a-knockout mice using HRGP-Cre transgenic mice. A ROSA-TdTomato reporter was introduced into the mice to monitor Cre activity. Mice with the genotype HRGP-Cre or Tmem30a loxp/loxp were designated as controls. Loxp/loxp Cre + Rosa mice were designated with the genotype Tmem30a loxp/loxp HRGP-Cre, ROSA-TdTomato. TdTomato is a red fluorescent protein variant that was expressed in the presence of HRGP-Cre. Therefore, Cre-positive cells were also deficient in Tmem30a. Compared with controls, Green/Red opsin expression (green) was lost in Cre-expressing cone cells (red, Tomato-positive cells). Sections were counter stained with DAPI (blue). Scale bar is 25 μm. (B and C) Functional characteristics of Tmem30a cone knockout mice. Representative ERG traces of the retinas in 1-month-old Tmem30a cone knockout mice under photopic conditions. (D) Statistical analysis of the amplitudes of b wave in the mice under photopic condition. Values in C represent the means +/− SEMs of four mice. N = 5. ***P < 0.001. Scale bar: 25 μm.