Figure 4.
Exogenous application of β-aminobutyrate unto Chinese cabbage showed growth effect, salt and heat tolerance. (a) and (b) 21 DAG Chinese cabbage was shown to have more 24-hours hypertonic tolerance (150 mM NaCl) after exogenously treated with 100 μM and 200 μM BABA as compared to those treated with mock (distilled water). (c) and (d) 21 DAG Chinese cabbage was shown to have a higher thermal-stress tolerance (72 hours of 35 °C incubation) after exogenously treated with 100 μM and 200 μM BABA as compared to those treated with mock (distilled water). Quantifications of viable Chinese cabbage (c) and (d) were recorded from biological replicates of 10 Chinese cabbage and plotted against time (hours) with normal standard error.