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. 2017 Aug 11;3(2):e12. doi: 10.2196/cancer.7345

Table 3.

Univariate analysis of practice characteristics associated with human papillomavirus vaccination knowledge (N=254).

Practice characteristics Human papillomavirus vaccination knowledge P value

Lower knowledge (N=148) High knowledge (N=106)

n (%) n (%)
Vaccines for children provider statusa


Yes 94 (55.6) 75 (44.4)

No or Do not know 44 (60.3) 29 (39.7)

Do not provide vaccinesc 10 (90.9) 1 (9.1)


Pediatrician 55 (73.3) 20 (26.7)

Family practice physician 65 (47.8) 71 (52.2)

Nurse practitioner 28 (65.1) 15 (34.9)
Practice typea


Private (solo or group) 54 (64.3) 30 (35.7)

Primary care or Othere 48 (49.5) 49 (50.5)

Institutional or University settings 17 (46.0) 20 (54.0)

Hospital or Urgent care clinic 27 (84.4) 5 (15.6)
Practice size (number of physicians)a


1-5 47 (54.0) 40 (46.0)

6-10 37 (66.1) 19 (33.9)

>10 60 (57.7) 44 (42.3)
Number of patients per daya


<15 52 (72.2) 20 (27.8)

15-19 36 (52.2) 33 (47.8)

20-29 28 (50.0) 28 (50.0)

≥30 30 (60.0) 20 (40.0)
Number of patients per weeka


<25 29 (74.4) 10 (25.6)

25-49 53 (55.8) 42 (44.2)

≥50 63 (55.3) 51 (44.7)
Most common patient paymenta


Private insurance 86 (54.4) 72 (45.6)

Medicaid or Children's Health Insurance Program 35 (64.8) 19 (35.2)

Uninsured, Self-pay, Other, or Do not know 26 (63.4) 15 (36.6)
Patient population is Hispanic majority


Yes 15 (53.6) 13 (46.4)

No 133 (58.9) 93 (41.1)

aVaccines for children provider not applicable or missing=1; Practice type not applicable or missing=4; Practice size not applicable or missing=7; Number of patients per day other, not applicable, or missing=7; Number of patients per week other, not applicable, missing=6; Most common patient payment not applicable or missing=1.

bFisher exact test.

cIndividuals who see patients but do not provide vaccinations (eg, oncology).

dChi-square test. Italics indicate P value less than .05.

eIncludes ambulatory care, primary care clinic, health department, federally qualified health center, and other.