Fig. 8.
Worm sleep deprivation results in excess twitching of vulval muscles. a A schematic representation of the imaging setup. Top: fluorescently labeled anterior and posterior vulval muscle groups. Worms crawl on their left or right side such that their dorsoventral axis is parallel to the imaging plane. b Example traces of the ratio of GCaMP5 to mCherry fluorescence from anterior and posterior vms. c The total number of calcium transients in vms of undisrupted and sleep-deprived worms. An average increase of 30% in the number of vm twitches was detected in ire-1 (UPRER deficient) mutants. No significant changes were detected in wild-type animals and ubl-5 (UPRmt deficient) mutants. Horizontal lines, boxes, and bars depict medians, 1st and 3rd quartiles, and 5th and 95th percentiles, respectively. Sample sizes are noted in parentheses, and the asterisk denotes a significant difference (p < 0.02)