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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2017 Aug 28.
Published in final edited form as: Sci Signal. 2015 Oct 20;8(399):ra105. doi: 10.1126/scisignal.aab3141

Table 1.

Identification of proteins #1–35 by Orbitrap Velos or Q Exactive mass-spectrometer.

Spot Protein Accession No Symbol MWa) p1b) Peptidesc) % coveraged)
1 Collagen 1 alpha-2 chain NP_031769 Col1A2 129.6 9.3 7 5.9
2 Elongation factor 2 NP_031933 Eef2 95.3 6.4 14 14.0
3 Moesin NP_034963 Msn 66.5 5.9 51 70.9
Caldesmon-1 NP_663550 Cald1 60.5 7.0 46 69.2
4 Dihydropyrimidinase-like 3 NP_001129558 Dpysl3 61.9 6.0 12 26.4
5 Serine protease HTRA1 NP_062510 Htra1 51.2 7.8 22 45.0
6 Serpin H1 NP_001104514 Serpinh1 46.5 8.9 13 30.0
7 Serine-threonine kinase receptor-associated protein NP_035629 Strap 38.4 5.0 4 16.9
8 Tropomyosin 3 NP_071709 Tpm3 32.8 4.2 26 60.2
9 14-3-3 protein epsilon NP_033562 Ywhae 29.2 4.6 28 74.9
10 Protein-lysine6-oxidase NP_034858 Lox 46.7 8.7 6 15.8
11 Annexin A2 NP_031611 Anxa2 38.6 7.6 5 32.4
12 Rho dissociation inhibitor 2 NP_031512 Arhgdib 22.9 5.0 13 57.0
13 Carbonic anhydrase 3 NP_031632 Car3 29.4 6.9 6 24.6
14 Peptidyl-prolyl cis-trans isomerase C NP_032934 Ppic 22.8 7.0 2 11.8
15 Protein S100-A11 NP_058020 S100a11 11.0 5.3 6 51.0
16 Phosphodiesterase 4D, cAMP-specific (Fragment) NP_035186 Pde4d 84.5 4.8 2 2.3
17 Protein S100-A13 NP_033139 S100a13 17.7 6.2 5 43.9
18 Cytochrome c oxidase subunit 6B1 NP_079904 Cox6b1 10.1 9.0 2 11.6
19 Protein S100-A6 NP_035443 S100a6 10.1 5.3 2 16.9
20 Secernin-1 NP_081544 Scrn1 46.3 4.7 7 15.2
21 Connective tissue growth factor NP_034347 Ctgf 38.6 7.6 3 12.1
22 Transgelin (SM-22) NP_035656 Tagln 22.5 8.9 17 63.2
23 Hemoglobin subunit beta-1 NP_032246 Hbb-b1 15.7 7.1 7 49.7
24 Myosin, light polypeptide kinase NP_647461 Mylk 213.6 5.9 14 15.2
Protein phosphatase 1 regulatory subunit 12A NP_082168 Ppp1r12a 111.8 5.5 6 6.3
25 Myh11 protein NP_038635 Myh11 227.1 5.4 19 10.4
26 Leucine zipper transcription factor-like 1 NP_201579 Lztfl1 34.7 5.1 6 21.5
27 Sepiapterin reductase NP_035597 Spr 27.9 5.9 6 37.4
Heat shock protein beta-1 NP_038588 Hspb1 23.0 6.1 5 31.4
28 Myosin regulatory light polypeptide 9 NP_742116 Myl9 19.9 4.8 6 33.7
29 Cofilin-2 NP_031714 Cfl2 18.7 7.7 9 51.8
30 Cofilin-1 NP_031713 Cfl1 18.6 8.2 8 51.8
31 Prefoldin subunit 2 NP_035200 Pfdn2 16.5 6.2 7 45.5
32 Fatty acid-binding protein, heart NP_034304 Fabp3 14.8 6.1 8 54.9
33 Destrin NP_062745 Dstn 18.5 8.1 8 49.1
34 Glutathione S-transferase Mu NP_034488 Gstm1 26.0 7.7 11 47.2
35 Mimecan (Osteoglycin) NP_032786 Ogn 34.0 5.5 5 13.8

CPFP version 2.0.3 was used for database searching against the Uniprot mouse database.


Theoretical molecular weight (KDa).


Theoretical isoelectric point (pI).


Number of matched peptides.


Percentage of sequence coverage.