Fig. 3.
The sensitivity of resilience to stand attributes and recent disturbance. Resilience RR here describes the capacity to recover from non-stand-replacing disturbance, measured as the amount of disturbance (in percent of growing stock) that is recovered per year. Curves are derived from a multiple linear model fit to simulation data reanalyzing thinning trials under current and future climate conditions (see Table 3). Panel (a) shows the change of resilience over stand age for a constant basal area level of 40 m2. Panel (b) shows the sensitivity to changing stand basal area for a 50 year old stand. The effect of different recent disturbance levels (in% GS disturbed over the preceding 10 years) is indicated via different lines. Mean annual temperature was set to 6 °C, precipitation sum to 1000 mm yr−1, and the effective soil depth to 120 cm.