Sensing device and sensing application software |
Front-end of the sensing system
Sensing apps can be:
Commercial (e.g., Easy M, MetricWire)
Open-source (e.g., AWARE, Emotion Sense, Funf, Purple Robot; Sensus)
Prototypes (e.g., BeWell, StudentLife, StressSense)
Server storage space |
Back-end of the sensing system
Communicates with the front-end to run the sensing software
Can be either physical servers (hardware) or virtual servers (cloud-based)
Stores the data in databases, in various file formats (e.g., CSV, JSON)
Servers can be hosted by:
Commercial platforms (e.g., Amazon Web Services)
University or company-based computing and information technology services
Data management |
Data processing component of sensing system
Monitor data collection to identify potential problems
Extract behavioral inferences from the smartphone data (e.g., applying classifiers, algorithms, combining data)
Programming languages
Data analyses |
Aggregate the sensor data to appropriate units of analysis (e.g., hourly, daily, weekly units)
Run more formal analyses of the given research questions of interest
Analytic software