Time courses for C5a-induced (1 µg rrC5a/ml) in vitro activation (phosphorylation) of Akt (A, E) and the 3 MAPKs (p38, B, F; ERK-1/2, C, G; and JNK-1/2, D, H) in rat CMs. Using antibodies to phosphoamino acids in Akt or in MAPKs, end points were determined by flow cytometry in saponin-permeabilized rat CMs. A–D) On the vertical axes are the antibody targets (phosphoserine, phosphothreonine, or phosphotyrosine). On the horizontal axes are the time courses (min) of activation. E–H) The time courses (h) for CLP-induced activation (phosphorylation) of Akt and MAPKs in permeabilized rat CMs as a function of time after CLP. MFI, mean fluorescence intensity, indicating levels of phospho-MAPK and phospho-Akt. Ctrl, control CMs from sham-treated rats. Data are expressed as means ± sem (n ≥ 6 for all time groups). *P < 0.05.