Oxidative stress does not overcome the translational repression motif that exists inside the open reading frame of Nrf2. HEK293T cells transfected with the Nrf2 translation reporter (Luc2–Sg3Nrf2) were treated 24 h after transfection with increasing doses of three inducers of oxidative stress: A, hydrogen peroxide; B, tert-butyl hydro peroxide; and C, paraquat, to evaluate the induction of luciferase translation and compared against apigenin. 24 h after the treatment with inducers of oxidative stress, the fold change in expression of luciferase was calculated against the basal expression of Luc2–Nrf2Sg3 in cells treated with DMSO only as a negative control (n = 6). The statistical significance of the difference in the levels of expression of luciferase in cells treated with apigenin or inducers of oxidative stress versus untreated cells is indicated by **, p < 0.01. The expression was normalized against the cell viability data measured with Cell-titer Glo® after the treatment. The range of concentrations for each inducer of oxidative stress was selected around known reported concentrations that induce oxidative stress in HEK293T cells (35, 73, 74).