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. 2017 Sep;140(3):e20170310. doi: 10.1542/peds.2017-0310


Prevalence of Examination Findings by Primary Clinician

Finding Presence of Finding by Primary Assessor, n (%)
General examination
 General appearance
  Well 35 (27)
  Mildly ill or distressed 40 (31)
  Moderately ill or distressed 49 (38)
  Severely ill or distressed 4 (3)
  Playing and appropriate 33 (26)
  Quiet but appropriate 57 (45)
  Sleeping but easily arousable 11 (9)
  Fussy but consolable 20 (16)
  Irritable 6 (5)
  Lethargic, confused, or reduced response to pain 1 (1)
Respiratory examination
 Crackles 49 (38)
 Decreased breath sounds 55 (43)
 Wheezing 41 (32)
 Retractions 73 (57)
 Rhonchi 43 (34)
 Tachypneic 89 (70)
  If tachypneic, respiratory rate, mean breaths per minute (SD) 46 (12)
 Nasal flaring 30 (23)
 Pleuritic chest pain 14 (27)
 Grunting 14 (11)
 Head bobbing 9 (7)
 Observed cough 68 (53)
Cardiovascular and perfusion examination
 Cool extremities 4 (3)
 Skin color
  Pink and/or normal 109 (85)
  Pale or dusky 18 (14)
  Mottled 1 (1)
 Capillary refill time (s)
  1–2 109 (85)
  3 19 (15)
  4 0 (0)
  ≥5 0 (0)
 Peripheral pulses
  Normal 124 (98)
  Bounding 3 (2)
Abdominal examination
 Abdominal pain or tenderness 14 (11)
Overall impression
 Mild 55 (43)
 Moderate 63 (50)
 Severe 9 (7)