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. 2017 Aug 29;7:9810. doi: 10.1038/s41598-017-09247-5

Table 3.

Call for disorders based on nucleotide sequence variations detected by next-generation sequencing

Patient # Gene Variants Variant type Variant call Heredity1
Known single nucleotide variant (SNV)
37 FGFR3 (Gly382Arg (c.1138G > A, het) rs28931614 Yes AD
71 PAH p.Arg243Gln (c.728G > A) rs62508588 Yes AR
71 PAH c.442-1G > A rs62514907 Yes AR
83 RB1 c.1215 + 1G > A rs587776783 Yes AD
89 SOS1 p.Arg552Gly(c.1654A > G) rs137852814 Yes AD
102 WT1 p.Arg462Trp(c.1384 C > T, het) rs121907900 Yes AD
Introduction of stop codon (nonsense mutation)
1 ABCA12 p.Arg2482*(c.7444 C > T) stop Yes AR
1 ABCA12 p.Arg1950*(c.5848 C > T) stop Yes AR
46 GCH1 p.Glu242*(c.724 G > , het) stop Yes AD
56 JAG1 p.Tyr434* (c.1302 C > A, het) stop Yes AD
62 NF1 p.Gln554*(c.1660C > T) stop Yes AD
84 RB1 p.Arg272* (c.814 A > T, het) stop Yes AD
Insertion and deletion (indel)
34 FBN1 c.1698_1712del15(exon13, het) ins Yes AD
55 JAG1 c.1 720 + 1dupG(intron13, het) del Yes AD
100 VPS33B c.740_741delAT(exon10,het) del Yes AR
100 VPS33B c.403 + 2 T > A(intron6,het) ins Yes AR
Single nucleotide variant (SNV) without public records
10 ARSA p.Cys493Ser (c.1478G > C,het) SNV Yes AR
10 ARSA p.Asp411Gly (c.1232A > G,het) SNV Yes AR
24 COL1A2 c.595-1G > C SNV Yes AD
26 COMP p.Asp376His (c.1126 G > C,het) SNV Yes AD
54 IVD p.Ala29Thr (c.85G > A,het) SNV Yes AR
77 PKHD1 p.Leu2665Pro(c.7994T > C) SNV Yes AR
77 PKHD1 p.Val836Ala(c.2333G > T) SNV Yes AR
97 TSC2 p.Gly1204Arg(c.3610G > C, het) SNV Yes AD
Variant with high frequency among healthy people 2
39 GALC p.Ile562Thr(c.1685T > C, homo) SNV No x 27%
47 GJB2 p.Gly114Glu SNV No x 5%
47 GJB2 p.Val27Ile SNV No x 8%
Big deletion
7 PRODH 1 copy del gene del Yes AR
7 PRODH p.Leu441Pro SNV Yes AR
15 BTK del. Exon6~10 (both copies) partial del Yes 2 copies
29 DMD exon2~exon7 duplication partial dup Yes AD
60 MECP2 MECP2 duplication gene dup Yes AD

1Heredity = basis for calling disorders; AD = autosomal dominant inheritance; AR = autosomal recessive inheritance, x = No call. Bold indicates a patient with a disorder resulting from composite heterozygotes, phasing issue not resolved but regarded as trans; 2Disease call was unsuccessful due to a high frequency of alleles among healthy populations.