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. Author manuscript; available in PMC: 2018 Aug 21.
Published in final edited form as: Dev Cell. 2017 Aug 21;42(4):416–434.e11. doi: 10.1016/j.devcel.2017.07.024


Anti-mNeonGreen nAb Allele Biotechnology Cat# ABP-NAB-MNGAB; RRID: AB_2629489
Rabbit anti-HaloTag pAb Promega Cat# G9281; RRID:AB_713650
Bacterial and Virus Strains
Biological Samples
Chemicals, Peptides, and Recombinant Proteins
EZ-Link NHS-PEG4-biotin ThermoFisher Cat# 21330
mPEG-Silane, MW 5,000 Laysan Bio, Arab, AL Cat# MPEG-SIL-5000
Biotin-PEG-Silane, MW 5,000 Laysan Bio, Arab, AL Cat# Biotin-PEG-SIL-5K
2-[methoxy(polyethylenxy)9–12-propyl] trimethoxysilane Gelest, Morrisville, PA Cat# SIM6492.72
Neutravidin ThermoFisher Cat# 31000
JF646 HaloTag ligand Laboratory of Luke D. Lavis
Critical Commercial Assays
Deposited Data
Experimental Models: Cell Lines
Experimental Models: Organisms/Strains
C. elegans wild-type strain Caenorhabditis Genetics Center N2
C. elegans unc-119 injection strain
Genotype: unc-119(ed3) III
Caenorhabditis Genetics Center HT1593
C. elegans transgenic strain expressing mNG::HaloTag
Genotype: cpIs90[Pmex-5::mNG::HaloTag::tbb-2 3′UTR + LoxP] II
This study LP539
C. elegans transgenic strain expressing mNG::mKate2
Genotype: cpIs71[Pmex-5::mNG::mKate2::tbb-2 3′UTR + SEC] II
This Study LP420
C. elegans transgenic strain expressing mNG::mKate2
Genotype: cpIs72[Pmex-5::mNG::mKate2::tbb-2 3′UTR + SEC] II
This Study LP421
C. elegans transgenic strain expressing mSc::HaloTag
Genotype: cpIs132[Pmex-5::mScarlet-I::HaloTag::tbb-2 3′UTR + LoxP] II
This Study LP734
C. elegans transgenic strain expressing mNG::AraD
Genotype: cpIs36[Pmex-5::mNG::3xFlag::AraD::tbb-2 3′UTR + unc-119(+)] II; unc-119(ed3) III
This Study LP230
C. elegans strain with endogenously tagged mNG::aPKC
Genotype: pkc-3(cp41[mNG:3xFlag::pkc-3]) II
This Study LP212
C. elegans strain with endogenously tagged
Genotype: par-6(cp346[PAR-6::HaloTag]) I
This Study LP654
C. elegans strain with endogenously tagged mNG::aPKC and PAR-6::HaloTag
Genotype: par-6(cp346[PAR-6::HaloTag]) I; pkc-3(cp41[mNeonGreen:3xFlag::pkc-3]) II
This Study LP747
C. elegans strain with endogenously tagged PAR-6::mNG
Genotype: par-6(cp45[par-6::mNG::3xFlag + LoxP unc-119(+) LoxP]) I; unc-119(ed3) III
This Study LP216
C. elegans strain with endogenously tagged mNG::PAR-3
Genotype: par-3(cp54[mNG::3xFlag::par-3]) III
This Study LP242
C. elegans strain with endogenously tagged
Genotype: par-6(cp60[par-6::mKate2::3xMyc + LoxP unc-119(+) LoxP]) I; unc-119(ed3) III
This Study LP244
C. elegans strain with endogenously tagged mNG::PAR-3 and PAR-6::mKate2
Genotype: par-6(cp60[par-6::mKate2::3xMyc + LoxP unc-119(+) LoxP]) I; par-3(cp54[mNG::3xFlag::par-3]) III
This Study LP282
C. elegans strain with endogenously tagged mNG::PAR-3 and PAR-6::HaloTag
Genotype: par-6(cp346[PAR-6::HaloTag]) I; par-3(cp54[mNeonGreen::3xFlag::par-3]) III
This Study LP749
C. elegans strain with RRKEEE mutations and an N-terminal mNG tag in endogenous par-3
Genotype: par-3(cp344[mNG^3xFlag::PAR-3 R69E R100E K103E]) III
This Study LP651
C. elegans strain with TTDE mutations and an N-terminal mNG tag in endogenous par-3
Genotype: par-3(cp327[mNG^3xFlag::PAR-3 T67D T71E]) III
This Study LP625
C. elegans strain with endogenously tagged mNG::PAR-2
Genotype: par-2(cp329[mNG^PAR-2]) III
This Study LP637
C. elegans strain with endogenously tagged mNG::PAR-2 and PAR-6::mKate2
Genotype: par-6(cp60[par-6::mKate2::3xMyc + LoxP unc-119(+) LoxP]) I; par-2(cp329[mNG^PAR-2]) III
This Study LP675
C. elegans strain with RRKEEE mutations and an N-terminal HaloTag in endogenous par-3
Genotype: par-3(cp354[HaloTag^PAR-3 R69E R100E K103E]) III
This Study LP676
C. elegans strain with RRKEEE mutations and an N-terminal HaloTag in endogenous par-3, plus endogenously-tagged mNG::PAR-2 and PAR-6::mKate2
Genotype: par-6(cp60[par-6::mKate2::3xMyc + LoxP unc-119(+) LoxP]) I; par-2(cp329[mNG^PAR-2]) par-3(cp355[HaloTag^PAR-3 R69E R100E K103E]) III
This Study LP677
C. elegans strain with endogenously-tagged mNG::MEX-5
Genotype: mex-5(cp119[mNG^3xFlag::mex-5]) IV
Dickinson et al. 2015 LP367
C. elegans strain with RRKEEE mutations and an N-terminal HaloTag in endogenous par-3, plus endogenously-tagged mNG::MEX-5
Genotype: par-3(cp354[HaloTag^PAR-3 R69E R100E K103E]) III; mex-5(cp119[mNG^3xFlag::mex-5]) IV
This Study LP679
C. elegans transgenic strain expressing GFP::PGL-1
Genotype: bnIs1[pie-1::GFP::pgl-1 + unc-119(+)] I
Cheeks et al. 2004 SS747
C. elegans strain with RRKEEE mutations and an N-terminal HaloTag in endogenous par-3, also expressing GFP::PGL-1 from a transgene
Genotype: bnIs1[pie-1::GFP::pgl-1 + unc-119(+)] I; par-3(cp354[HaloTag^PAR-3 R69E R100E K103E]) III
This Study LP680
C. elegans strain with endogenously tagged NMY-2::mKate2
Genotype: nmy-2(cp52[nmy-2::mkate2 + LoxP unc-119(+) LoxP]) I; unc-119(ed3) III
This Study LP229
C. elegans strain with endogenously tagged mNG::PAR-3 and NMY-2::mKate2
Genotype: nmy-2(cp52[nmy-2::mkate2 + LoxP unc-119(+) LoxP]) I; par-3(cp54[mNeonGreen::3xFlag::par-3]) III
This Study LP636
C. elegans strain with phosphomimetic mutations in two putative PLK-1 phosphorylation sites, plus an N-terminal mNG tag, in endogenous par-3
Genotype: par-3(cp357[mNG^3xFlag::PAR-3 T32E T89E]) III
This Study LP681
C. elegans strain with phosphomimetic mutations in two putative PLK-1 phosphorylation sites, plus an N-terminal mNG tag, in endogenous par-3
Genotype: par-3(cp358[mNG^3xFlag::PAR-3 T32E T89E]) III
This Study LP682
Recombinant DNA
Software and Algorithms
SiMPull analysis software for MATLAB This paper
Probabilistic Segmentation Laboratory of Paul Maddox (Padeganeh et al. 2013)
Bayesian step detection Laboratory of Vijay Pande (Ensign and Pande 2010)
Ezyfit toolbox for MATLAB MATLAB File Exchange Version 2.44;
U-track particle tracking software for MATLAB Jaqaman et al. 2008 Version 2.1.3;
MSDanalyzer for MATLAB Tarantino et al. 2014
PIVlab Thielicke and Stamhuis, 2014 Version 1.4;