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. 2017 Aug 29;18:30. doi: 10.1186/s12860-017-0146-8

Table 1.

Screened compounds to differentiate coral cells

Compound Name Company and Catalog Fluorescent Indicator Label Differ. Cells (Symb.+) Conc.
3-dodecanoyl-NBD Cholesterol CC: 13220 Cholesterol uptake N N (N) 1 μM
MeOSuc-Ala-Ala-Pro-Val-AMC CC: 14907 Elastase activity N N (N) 1 μM
Dihydroethidium CC: 12013 Intracellular superoxide Y Y (Y) 1 μM
Pyronin Y CC: 14488 dsRNA Y Y (Y) 0.2 μM
ThioFluor623 CC: 13083 Intracellular thiols Y Y (Y) 1 μM
Rhodamine Phenylglyoxal CC: 16172 Protein citrullination Y Y (Y) 0.2 μM
CAY10455 CC: 10005072 Arachidonoyl ethanolamide uptake Y Y (N) 0.2 μM
Dibenzylfluorescein CC: 16808 Cytochrome P450 activity Y N (Y) 0.2 μM
BCECF-Acetoxymethyl ester CC: 15922 Intracellular pH Y Y (Y) 0.2 μM
NBD-FTY720 phenoxy HCl CC: 16841 Sphingosine-1-phosphate Y N (N) 1 μM
10-Acetyl-3,7-dihydroxyphenoxazine CC: 10010469 Hydrogen Peroxide/Peroxidase Y N (N) 1 μM
2-NBDG CC: 11046 Glucose uptake Y N (N) 1 μM
1-NBD-decanoyl-2-decanoyl-sn-Glycerol CC: 9000341 Diacylglycerol uptake Y N (N) 1 μM
(Z-Ala-Ala-Ala-Ala)2Rh110 CC: 11675 Elastase activity N N (N) 1 μM
5-Cyano-2,3-di-(p-tolyl)tetrazolium Cl CC: 15926 Aerobic metabolic activity N N (N) 1 μM
Coumarin Boronic Acid pinacolate ester CC: 10818 Peroxynitrite N N (N) 1 μM
Garcinol CC: 10566 Histone acetyltransferase inhibitor N N (N) 1 μM
WSP-1 CC: 11179 Hydrogen Sulfide N N (N) 1 μM
Zinpyr-1 CC: 15122 Intracellular Zinc ion Y N (Y) 0.2 μM
DPPP CC: 62237 Hydroperoxides N N (N) 1 μM
Acridine Orange CC: 14338 DNA dye Y Y (Y) 0.2 μM
Fura-PE3-Acetoxymethyl ester CC: 15366 Intracellular Calcium Y Y (N) 0.2 μM
Lucigenin CC: 14872 Intracellular Chloride ion Y N (Y) 1 μM
CONA-Lectin TFS: C21402 Binds α-man, α-glc Y Y (N) 2 μg/ml
EUA-Lectin SA: L8262 Binds α-L-fuc and (glcNAc)2 Y N (N) 2 μg/ml
PNA-Lectin SA: L7381 Binds β-gal(1 → 3)galNAc Y Y (Y) 2 μg/ml
WGA-Lectin TFS: W32465 Binds sialic acid and Nac Y Y (N) 2 μg/ml
pHrodo Red TFS: P35372 Intracellular pH indicator Y Y (lables) 5 μM
LysoTracker Deep Red TFS: L12492 Acidic organelles Y Y (lables) 0.2 μM
CellROX green TFS: C10492 Reactive oxygen species Y Y (lables) 1 μM
Phen Green TFS: P6763 Heavy metal indicator Y Y (lables) 1 μM
ALDAFLUOR ST: 1700 ALDH-bright cells Y Y (lables) 0.4 μg/ml
DAPI TFS: D1306 AT regions of DNA Y Y (Y) 3 μM
PI TFS: R37108 DNA Y Y (N) 5 μg/ml

P. damicornis cell suspensions were incubated with indicated chemical compounds and analyzed by FACS. Companies used: CC Cayman Chemical, TFS Thermo Fisher Scientific, SA Sigma-Aldrich, ST Stemcell Technologies. If the chemical compound is fluorescently labeling cells it is indicated as Y (Yes) and if the result is the same as the control it is indicated as N (No) in the label column. If the labeling can clearly differentiate cellular populations by the level of labeling it is indicated as Y in the differentiation column of cells, differentiation capability of cells that are positive to Symbiodinium indicated in scopes. The concentration used throughout the study are indicated in the last column